Does your business need to improve internal access routes or to gain additional space? One of the most effective tools for doing that is to use custom industrial grates. Custom industrial grates can be used to construct lots of things including wheelchair ramps and trench covers, but their usefulness goes beyond that. The strength and resilience offered by these steel or aluminium bar gratings mean that they can be used as the basis for catwalks, elevated walkways, mezzanine floors and staircases.

Why are walkways needed?

Floorspace is a valuable commodity. Often in a manufacturing environment, you need to use the majority of your floor space for heavy equipment and for moving goods from one production area to the next. Such a system doesn't always allow for easy communication between departments. Frequently, there will be areas of your company that may need to work together but which aren't always located in close proximity. While your staff could waste valuable time threading their way through machinery and getting in everyone's way, it would be better to create a more direct route. Since the floor is occupied, the simplest solution is to build something overhead. A raised walkway using custom industrial grates is a simple way to let your staff move freely around the building and get where they need to go without obstructing other workers. You can add in handrails and stairways where they are needed.

How could a mezzanine floor be useful?

Sometimes it is not just communication between parts of your building that becomes difficult but actually finding somewhere to put your workers. If you want to introduce a new department or expand an existing area, then you might think about moving to a new location. Moving somewhere new might get you more space, but it is expensive and disruptive, an easier alternative is to use custom industrial grates to build a mezzanine floor to provide a home for your new department. Fitting a new floor can almost double the capacity of your building. You can use it for offices, storage or anything else that you need. Perhaps the greatest advantage of a mezzanine floor using custom industrial grates is that it can be changed or removed as your business requirements evolve. Any time that you need to make a change, you can do so without worrying about compromising the structural integrity of the building. If the time comes for you to move out, you can easily take out the floor and return the building to its original condition.
